My Dear Christian,
My brother, my sister, my friend, and my family. I only share my deepest secrets, or mysteries, with those I can trust. I trust you, Christian. I trust you.
Let me ask you something. Do you know the end? Can you see it? Because I have you fixed in my scope and the way is mapped and charted. I am guiding your ship.
I foreknew these storms you've experienced recently and I see where you have landed. You're on the beach, exhausted, emptied, confused and dazed. I knew of this when I planted the seed for your life in your heart. I knew you would eventually try to paddle, but the waves overcame you.
Where is my seed? Is it still in your heart? Are you questioning your abilities or mine? Because I already know how far you can go. I've always known that about you. But now you know the depth of your limitations. You now know what I've always known about you.
Do this for me. You know I will show you where to find your misplaced keys. You lost them, you can't find them, and you've looked everywhere. You know there's no going anywhere without your keys. So in your great wisdom you've learned to cry, "Daddy, help me find my keys," and I do. "There they are. Look here." Amazing. You are always humbled in amazement and joy. I see you and smile. Let me ask. Do you think I have reached a limitation in showing you where your keys are?
There is so much more. Let's keep going.
Now that we've put that into perspective, we can talk about what it is you seek from me. In fact, let's qualify it:
What do you seek? Go ahead and answer me.
"Lord, I seek to do your will."
Good. That is correct. You do seek to do my will. Answer this:
How do you claim to know? Is it through your understanding of my will or through the revelation of my will? You can answer.
"Lord, it is through visions and dreams and your word and my meditation upon these things."
That's good, as well. Let me ask this, then:
If you've been given visions; if you've been given dreams; if my words has been revealed to you, then how is it you continue to struggle? You can answer.
"Lord, because, like that dream you gave me, when the ocean was stirred, and like in a whirl wind, the water became a mist, splashing, like in a wind tunnel, expansive, deep and dangerous. In it, I am overcome. I am overwhelmed."
Yes, very good. You answered correctly. You are overcome and overwhelmed by my word, yet I have chosen to reveal it to you.
Let's switch gears. Let's talk about what I want to talk about, how you do the will of what has been revealed to you within the deep waters of my word, where you are overcome. Let's talk about that.
What does my word say about starting in the Spirit only to end up operating in the flesh?
Write it.
"Galatians 3:3 and 4: Are ye so foolish? Having begun in the Spirit, are ye now made perfect by the flesh? Have ye suffered so many things in vain? If it be yet in vain."
Yes, stop there, because my next question to you is this:
Is it yet in vain?
"No, Lord. Absolutely not. I plead my case to you. I plead my cause. I plead the outcome of my life as one fully engaged in you, for you and by you. Please, Lord, do not take your Spirit's purposes from my life. Let me be the expression of your praise. I will go on to proclaim, God loves you. God wills for you. God is able. Only in him, by him and through him. Lord, bring me back to the vine. Let my life be the expression of your praise, is my life's blood. Let the blood of Jesus flow through me. In His precious name. Amen."
Oh, Christian. I so love you. You are so enthusiastic and filled with my heart. And your prayers have already been heard and answered. But the way is narrow. Let me explain.
For a sinner who walks the broad path, they are lead to destruction. They follow after the delights of their heart, their passion, their evil desires into the pit. A day is coming which will reveal the works of man. Some will be called on my right, and others on my left into destruction. Because they did not know the voice of their Shephard, they could not heed the warning. They were blinded by their lust, greed and vanity.
But my sheep know my voice. This is how you can write a letter from my heart to yours. You didn't know where you were going when you began, but you have faith and believe and therefore listen and respond. Pen to paper, by the Spirit, in the Spirit, and through the Spirit. When you woke up today, did you plan to seek me, to hear me, or to write of me? Did you foreknow you would do my Father's will, today? No.
Instead, you woke with a song in your heart and you sang it out, in sweet surrender. You prayed and pushed through into this new season and began to recognize, by giving thanksgiving and praise to me, something has changed. You realize, your health has been restored and peace is in its place. There is a new sound. You can hear, once again, the beckoning of a restored purpose, in me.
You realized, "Wait. If I'm not crying out for healing, because I am, my prayers have been answered, what am I crying out for? To Do His Will."
The tables have turned. You've received your healing and your prayers have been heard. You are forgiven, healed and now, it's about your complete restoration, your gifting and your calling. It's time to be restored in the purposes of God for your life.
Let me ask: Am I put off my by (your words) "unbelieving faith suckers who diminish miracles?" The answer is, No. I am not. Let's keep going.
I am not put off by man's reasoning and doubt. I am, however, motivated by those who believe; those who wait on me; those who seek me in their trials and struggles; those who still believe in the midst of opposition, even in the darkest hour of the night. With that, I am motivated.
Okay. This is about you. You need to understand, you believe me to your advantage, not to a fault. You've settled for the less to gain my all. Your mountain of disability is removed by your seed of faith. The faith you exhibit will SOON become a covering for many to find shelter. They will come because, through your efforts, I have been exahaulted. I am lifted up and therefore, I will draw those to me, who are forknown for thier own walk of faith, beyond their own struggles and trials. For the I AM has declared it. I will be found.
Who do you seek? Me?
For what end do you seek? Me?
In what manner do you seek? In Me and through Me; by Me and because of Me. You can do nothing apart from me. you know this, but now you believe it. Have you come through enough that my word has become for you the truth you seek? Let me answer this: YES.
Let us begin again, only this time, when you cast your net, prepare for the many. This time it will not tear.