Monday, July 27, 2020

Stand Up: Reclaiming What Was Once Abandoned

Stand Up: Reclaiming What Was Once Abandoned
by Christine Huck 
I recently made a commitment to pray everyday early in the morning in my Facebook group after I heard Pastor Dana's three warning dreams for the United States ( But before I could just dive into the issues, I felt it important to prepare myself for the kind of warfare deep intercessory prayer may provoke. I do know this is the Lord's battle, but felt strongly that if we are to see the victory we need clean hands and a pure heart. Otherwise the enemy could take us out. After I prayed my first "Call to Prayer," I was tired, went back to sleep and had a dream.
I found myself alone outside of an old brick building. Sensing a familiarity, I entered in, although I felt it was not mine, I could shelter inside safely. I found it emptied of furnishings and comfort, yet I knew it was not a family dwelling. With its purpose a mystery, I went in.
I wandered around, curious about its past, and made my way through the rooms to the far side. By then I realized my son was with me. I couldn't see him, but I did sense he was near. Together we exited the building believing there was no reason to linger, but as soon as we left the doors, the enemy approached. Knowing we were in danger and potential harm, we turned quickly to go back in, feeling the enemy was at our heal.
Instinctively we separated to take cover. At that point, I found a stair case I could hide behind. It sat in the middle of a large room with only five to eight steps leading up to a small platform, with the same number leading down the other side - to the same room - on the same floor. It was as if the platform once connected to a main staircase had long sense been removed. I safely hid behind the steps where I could not be seen.
While hiding, I heard the commotion of my son being captured. I knew for his sake I had to stand up and expose myself in order to save him. As I did, I could finally see him as if for the first time, now dangling in the grip of this demon. In reality, my son is in his mid-30s. He is smart, accomplished, handsome, talented, and gifted. But in the spirit, he had the appearance of a ten year old boy in a panic, squirming to get free. The dream ended.
Now awake, I pondered. Was this just a disturbing dream or is there a message behind it? I believe by looking closer and interpreting through the Spirit, the deeper meaning can be found. The points of study are: the brick building, its abandoned purpose, empty of comfort, me and my son, my inability to see him, leaving the shelter together, danger, running back to hide, being separated, the stair steps, my son’s capture, me coming out of hiding, his true age, and the giant that held him. Some things will be obvious.
Without over complicating it, the brick building is solid yet its purpose is abandoned. This could be tied to the staircase, representing a process needed to reach to a destination. To climb, one needs to master one step at a time. But in this case, the five to eight steps leading to one place and back down again, never reaches the goal. This is revealing, which might explain why I hide in the presence of danger. Behind the steps, I have a false sense of safety. Yet I am drawn out in the open because of my love for my son, who is in danger. To fight for him, I must stand and be seen.

The Lord spoke to me the other day. He said that by taking a stand I will face down the giant. However, by advancing against fear and intimidation, I will effectively slay the giant-under my feet and overcome. And I am not left without any motivation, for my son's life depends on it. It might be, my son represents God's children who by appearance are sufficient, but in the spirit they are helpless against their foe. I must take a stand. And finally, by doing so, the giant that has decimated and emptied the building of my purpose, will be reclaimed and restored.

I don't know how much clearer a matter can be made. I know what to do. I know how to do it. I have a reason to do it. And people depend on me to do it. What more do I need? but to do it.

Saturday, July 25, 2020

"Say On"

"Say On," by Christine Huck of Blueprint to Glory

I'm watching this man on a YouTube video talking about the need for Christian's to stand up, which is what the Lord showed me in a dream (wow, praise God, He is bringing my ability to dream back). Well, it is hard, and I struggle to do it, but I also recognize that if I don’t do it, if I give up the struggle, then I will move into rebellion. I do not want to rebel against God, like turning my head or hardening my heart so that I don’t have to face the issues of my insecurity. That means that I have no other choice but to face the fear and doubt. My decision is made.

I stopped my thinking and paused the video to explain my heart to God. I asked him, what right do I have speaking to the church or calling the church to repent? He practically interrupted me and said, “The hair of Samson has been cut off, not Solomon (referring to my mistake and validating the message I spoke earlier). By speaking it, you were facing the giant directly, but now you have to slay the giant. Now you have to move past the fear, doubt and intimidation into full acceptance and SAY ON.”

I realize, there have been several messages recently. One is my dream of the brick building, emptied and abandoned of its purpose. I need to speak about that. There is also the Strategy of the Enemy, revealed to me in an open vision a long time ago, but finding application today. I need to speak about that. Also, I see people who are bound up in demonic strongholds like trauma, who need to be set free, if only merely through understanding my teaching. These things need to be said now. And although there are only three, I am remembering a forth this very week. Yes, I need to Say On.

“Say On,” taken from 2 Samuel 14:12, will be an ongoing means of relating revelation to God’s people in reasonable time. Revelations can be complicated and lengthy to understand. But the voice of God is quick. It is sharp. It divides. It discerns. Say On will be a means of delivering the word of the Lord. You can watch me as I grow, but expect to be pricked and goaded into doing good works. You can see by the definition below, the demands may be more on you than me.

KJV Dictionary Definition: prick

PRICK, v.t.
1. To pierce with a sharp pointed instrument or substance; as, to prick one with a pin, a needle, a thorn or the like.
2. To erect a pointed thing, or with an acuminated point; applied chiefly to the ears, and primarily to the pointed ears of an animal. The horse pricks his ears, or pricks up his ears.
3. To fix by the point; as, to prick a knife into a board.
4. To hang on a point.
The cooks prick a slice on a prong of iron.
5. To designate by a puncture or mark.
Some who are pricked for sheriffs, and are fit, set out of the bill.
6. To spur; to goad; to incite; sometimes with on or off.
My duty pricks me on to utter that
Which no worldly good should draw from me.
But how if honor prick me off.
7. To affect with sharp pain; to sting with remorse.
When they heard this, they were pricked in their hearts. Acts 2. Ps.73.
8. To make acid or pungent to the taste; as, wine is pricked.
9. To write a musical composition with the proper notes on a scale.
10. In seamen's language, to run a middle seam through the cloth of a sail.
To prick a chart, is to trace a ship's course on a chart.
PRICK, v.i. To become acid; as, cider pricks in the rays of the sun.
1. To dress one's self for show.
2. To come upon the spur; to shoot along.
Before each van
Prick forth the airy knights.
3. To aim at a point, mark or place.
1. A slender pointed instrument or substance, which is hard enough to pierce the skin; a goad; a spur.
It is hard for thee to kick against the pricks. Acts 9.
2. Sharp stinging pain; remorse.
3. A spot or mark at which archers aim.
4. A point; a fixed place.
5. A puncture or place entered by a point.
6. The print of a hare on the ground.
7. In seamen's language, a small roll; as a prick of spun yarn; a prick of tobacco.
PRICK'ED, pp. Pierced with a sharp point; spurred; goaded; stung with pain; rendered acid or pungent; marked; designated.
PRICK'ING, ppr. Piercing with a sharp point; goading; affecting with pungent pain; making or becoming acid.
PRICK'ING, n. A sensation of sharp pain, or of being pricked.

Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Establishing God's Authority to Usurp Jezabel's

Where Jezebel ultimately wanted to usurp God's authority, God wanted to establish it in my life. This is where the battle line was drawn. But I first needed to understand some things about authority.

God is the one who sets up kings and tears them down:
Daniel 2:21 says, "he changeth the times and the seasons: he removeth kings, and setteth up kings: he giveth wisdom unto the wise, and knowledge to them that know understanding:" I had to acknowledge this in order to turn from the victim mentality within myself.

At the same time I had to learn, God didn't want me to be defeated by man's authority either:
Jeremiah 1:19 says, "they shall fight against thee; but they shall not prevail against thee; for I am with thee, saith the LORD, to deliver thee." I needed to stand and wait upon God in the knowledge that  my current circumstance would change according to God's timing. Therefore, I didn't have to do it in defiance against the spirit of Jezebel, but in faith toward God.

But that also meant that I had to learn how to speak to authority.
Matthew 5:25 told me to, "Agree with thine adversary quickly, whiles thou art in the way with him; lest at any time the adversary deliver thee to the judge, and the judge deliver thee to the officer, and thou be cast into prison." What does this mean? I am no longer defiant towards authority, but I recognize I am still subject to it. God will remove me from the circumstances according to His will. I first had to learn this before I would be delivered from it. Which meant I had to respect man's authority even when I didn't agree with it, knowing my agreement was with God.

And while I remained in the conflict, I would also be dressed with a different kind of authority.
2Corinthians 10:4-6 4 tells me, "The weapons of our warfare are not the weapons of the world. Instead, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. 5 Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ; 6And we will be ready to punish every act of disobedience, as soon as your obedience is complete.…" Is my obedience complete? would first be put to the test. As I take a stand, I am also growing in faith and trust toward God, fully surrendered, fully submitted.
For just as God tells Jeremiah to have courage, I also hear the call. I am learning to walk in a new bold authority. As much as I hate the spirit of Jezebel, my encounters have proven valuable.So I guess in an odd way, I am thankful. I am thankful that what the devil witch meant for my harm, God turned it into a blessing. To get from the old nature me to the new nature can be complex. I didn't have to understand the process as much as trust God for the outcome, for He is my ultimate authority.