Thursday, July 30, 2015

Calling All Disciples - Olly Olly Oxen Free

For years I've been working hard on developing a bible study centered around the issues of growth in the Lord, from that initial contact to full immersion. I love it. I love how it's coming together, how it applies, how it can be used, and how it makes the scriptures clear. "What on earth is God doing? can be, in part, understood simply. But what do I do with that, pray tell? The thought came to me, Have a Meet-Up ( Teach God's word using Blueprint to Glory, impart it to believers, and take it to the streets where it can be put to practical use. That's what we're going to do!

But I wasn't entirely ready yet. After spending time at a neighboring park in San Rafael. I said to myself, where is the church? There is such a need for outreach at the parks. Minus the tents, it's like tent city. Many people with no where to go, doing who knows what, wasting away. I know they are hungry. Yes, there are City programs, only God didn't call governmental services to meet the needs of the poor. He called His body. We are His hands. We are His feet. But I needed more than an opinion. I needed a heart change. What followed left an impression and made clear a direction.

Wanting cream in my coffee, I drove to a 711.  As I pulled in the parking lot I could see a lonely soul sitting near the corner of the street. I called out to him, "Would you like some coffee?" He was quick to say yes. After making our purchase of food and drink, we stood outside in the cold of the morning and talked. As I asked questions, he began to open up. He told me he loves to write out his prayers. He said it helps him to work through his thoughts and experiences. "Some were even published!" he said. I was impressed. I asked harder questions, "How did you end up on the street? Where do you live? Where's your family? Are you alone?" I wasn't drilling him. I was taking a genuine interest, but after awhile, I began to sense the Lord's heart concerning him.

He said he had been on the streets for five years after falling victim to his addiction on crack cocaine. He lost everything, including his kids. The courts took them where they currently live as foster children. He said he couldn't bear the shame and has since been running. My heart broke. Finally I asked, "Can I pray for you?" I held his hands and began to pray. Tears were streaming from his eyes. We attracted the attention of another person, too. I kept praying. "I break off shame, in the name of Jesus. Out! Get out! Lord touch this man. Cover him with the blood of Jesus. I hear the Lord saying, "You are forgiven. You are forgiven," He cried deep delivering tears, right in front of 711. Go figure. I just went out for coffee with no other intentions and look what God did.

Can you imagine, if a group of people with the same heart, serving the same God, with the same vision, can do with intention? We are called to effect change in our community, and here's an opportunity. Together, with the Lord's guidance, all we have to do is show up and be willing servants, brothers and sisters in Christ, and disciples of God. The call isn't to the poor and the needy. The call is to those who have filled up on the goodness of God, even to the point of gorging. The word is clear, if we hide our light, it can be put out. If we bury our talent, it can be taken away. Our best option is to give it away and how better to do it together.

Join me each week while we learn of the Lord and His kingdom, while planning our monthly outreaches. Who knows where we'll go if we ask God to open doors for us. We can cook, we can feed. Permits? Let's get them. Finances? Let's ask for them.  But remember, while we make our plans, the Lord will direct our steps (Prov 16:9). Let's follow Him.


  1. That is wonderful what you did by giving this broken man your time and your Christian heart. That is more valuble than money and can not be purchased. Thanksfor sharring. Ken

  2. It is so nice to see the internet being used for this and not just to make money or worse. Ken from Houghton Lake Michigan

  3. I forgot to say that when I read your story I felt God tears. Ken

  4. How exciting to see comments. Thank you Ken.
    You know. I think the reason you're getting all teary eyed is because God is calling you to reach out to these same folks.
    That's what I am getting, Ken.

  5. Well done, Christine! Good blog, too.

    1. Oh, thank you, Tara. Yea, God's taken me a long way. I'm glad for you comment.

  6. God has been calling out to me to do these things for years and I have acted many time but not went searching on my own.Does that make sense?

  7. Yes, but what do you mean by... not went searching on my own?

  8. Searching for more! More than just what stands out. Have not created something on my own to help others.

    1. Ah. Well, here's an opportunity except you don't have to be alone. I'll be here and do what I can to help. But I know God has a fire burning under you. You'll have a greater sense of direction soon.

  9. It has already happened Christine. It's all there exactly like you said.


  10. passion and pride

    We are all getting old one day at a time
    Each of us lives until the day we die
    A man can believe not wondering why
    A man who wonders may not even try
    Such it is a shame to have lived a lie
    That pain in our hearts wants to make us cry
    Deep down and delicate we are bruised inside
    What is left we hide then it must decide
    Between the passion and between all the pride
    As our eyes open wide as we all have sinned
    All of us have lied and all of us have grinned
    We all have tried only pretending to begin
    Wisdom can come from pissing in the wind
    We also have tried to get inside our mind
    First we must make that effort to rewind
    We were born with the best that we can find.
    If you didn't hear me man then never mind
    Much of my life is a time lost in fear
    I chose to escape with drugs and beer
    Unable to look at myself in a mirror
    Unable to focus or think any clearer
    Ignoring the truth that I didn't hear
    Regardless of reason my time disappeared.

    Written by Ken McMartin 2009


  11. passion and pride

    We are all getting old one day at a time
    Each of us lives until the day we die
    A man can believe not wondering why
    A man who wonders may not even try
    Such it is a shame to have lived a lie
    That pain in our hearts wants to make us cry
    Deep down and delicate we are bruised inside
    What is left we hide then it must decide
    Between the passion and between all the pride
    As our eyes open wide as we all have sinned
    All of us have lied and all of us have grinned
    We all have tried only pretending to begin
    Wisdom can come from pissing in the wind
    We also have tried to get inside our mind
    First we must make that effort to rewind
    We were born with the best that we can find.
    If you didn't hear me man then never mind
    Much of my life is a time lost in fear
    I chose to escape with drugs and beer
    Unable to look at myself in a mirror
    Unable to focus or think any clearer
    Ignoring the truth that I didn't hear
    Regardless of reason my time disappeared.

    Written by Ken McMartin 2009

  12. It has already happened Christine. It's all there exactly like you said.

  13. I went to the park with Reel, a minister who I met at another park. Feeling the tug to speak to him, I found he has served of the Lord as a minister to the homeless. He was very interested in joining me on my Saturday excursion. Ha-ha. Divine appointments!

    After praying for direction, we approached a group of people who appeared to be passing the time. Not everyone is interested in our company, but there was one – Holly. While others turned the music up louder, she and I were raising our voices to heaven. How wonderful.

    Seeing the need, I commented, "There should be a church close by." She said, "There is. It's called Church of the Open Doors." She points. I went Sunday. When I saw her, I opened my arms wide and gave her a big squeeze. During the service, the preacher commented on how God runs up to us with open arms and embraces us in love. Thank you Lord, who uses us to demonstrate His Great Love.

    So now I have a park to visit and a church to attend and people to reach out with and a body who needs me. What more can we ask for? I'll find something, but today I am happy. I am at peace. I am knowing I was lead, I was directed, I was moved and I was used by the most awesome God ever. Thank you, Lord. Your love extends to all.

  14. Beautiful. This is Lauren Allegra, but somehow this laptop is connected to my husband Stephen. No matter. Speaking of parks, i had was led to the Lord, when I was truly born again by a beautiful black lady named Yvonne who had set up a card table in a park in Sausalito with a sign that read "It's prayer time." It sure was!!!!!! I too have been lead to the homeless in Marin and pray for them on the spot. I loved your prayer for this man! I have found the prayer often time leads to tears too for them and sometimes me as well. I love that you prayed for the Lord to break off shame. I will remember that for the next time. Thank you an God Bless you!

  15. Beautiful. This is Lauren Allegra, but somehow this laptop is connected to my husband Stephen. No matter. Speaking of parks, i had was led to the Lord, when I was truly born again by a beautiful black lady named Yvonne who had set up a card table in a park in Sausalito with a sign that read "It's prayer time." It sure was!!!!!! I too have been lead to the homeless in Marin and pray for them on the spot. I loved your prayer for this man! I have found the prayer often time leads to tears too for them and sometimes me as well. I love that you prayed for the Lord to break off shame. I will remember that for the next time. Thank you an God Bless you!
